Title | A. Rebel’s Soul: A Twist on the Lens of Life |
Author | Anna Leber |
Publisher | Be Real Books |
Country of Publication | Canada |
Date of Publication | May 2008 |
Market | Primary Market: Females between the ages of 18-38 |
ISBN 13 | 978-0-9784148-6-3 |
Item Status | Active Record |
Binding Format | Perfect |
Pages | 288 |
Format | Trade paper back |
Price | $24.95 |
Current Language | English |
CIP Info | 1. Leber, A (Anna), 1968 2. Leber, A. (Anna) , 1968-Family. 3. Problem Families. 4. Self-actualization (Psychology). I. Title. |
Title | A. Rebel’s Soul: A Twist on the Lens of Life |
Author | Anna Leber |
Publisher | Be Real Books |
Country of Publication | Canada |
Date of Publication | May 2008 |
Market | Primary Market: Females between the ages of 18-38 |
ISBN 13 | 978-0-9784148-0-1 |
Item Status | Active Record |
Pages | 276 |
Format | |
Price | $17.95 |
Current Language | English |
CIP Info | 1. Leber, A (Anna), 1968 2. Leber, A. (Anna) , 1968-Family. 3. Problem Families. 4. Self-actualization (Psychology). I. Title. |